How to strengthen the Small net

I was inactive here for a short time. During this time I've read about several hottest Gemini ideas, and the whole Geminispace went further. Now I'm like on a Gandalf meme with the "no memory of this place" caption. Many of my /Comitium/ feeds are inactive. Most entries on /Antenna/ or /GTL Tinylog Timeline/ were written by authors unknown to me. The more time I'm inactive more Gandalf meme is inside me. I haven't got the idea of /BBS Geminispace/. I wasn't moved by "The Gemini protocol seen by this HTTP client person". I was in, and now I'm out.

This is good that there are many new ideas around Geminispace. That we are seeking the area for improvements. That we are stress-testing base technical concepts. But probably we start to lose the key assumption that we don't want to become the Big net. This is the Small net, the place for a small group of people. We are empowering each other, only when we know each other.

So probably without those interpersonal ties, this place will be like any other place on the Internet. It's a common way of thinking that we must be doing our best. So we are pushing Geminispace to be superior to everything else. But it shouldn't be.

So I'm feeling a bit more comfortable on Gophersphere. Because there are people who got the Gopher as it is. They won't conquer the Internet by it. They are gathered around their societies. The illusory atmosphere that nothing is going on there. There aren't any big things, but the Gophersphere is also evolving. There aren't many who quit Gopher because they burn out.


@ Sun 03 Sep 2023 10:00:11 PM CEST

tags: #geminispace, #gophersphere
